

Hello dear readers, I'm back to updated my dead blog.
Today is my off day was excited to go somewhere have fun
but too bad is I need to prepare for my future.
Because of I don't want to take Certificate so I need to retake my BI and BC
I hate that why the result is not same as my trial exam.
My trial exam result is good than SPM.
Actually I can no need to retake cause my result already can let me go SEGI College or LACT college
but I don't want to see my BI result is D =3=

I want blog about my last wednesday with classmates but the install film is too much 
Was took too much install film
 almost 40 pieces !! 
I need to retake all the install film but I have no idea which part I should start ?.?
really have a happily day with my classmates
had a lot fun with them
they're never change
Still Cute, Still Nicest, Still Close, and Still Fun
LVE them so much .
muackzz muackzz !

Thinking to be a BB kaki
BB Bold 3 is sooo smart and handsome !! 

*N8   S-U-C-K ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)

March is ending soon.
what I was does?
totally is nothing !!
hehe,,, leaving soon.
See you again my dear readers :-]



好久好久也沒寫文章了 回顧回上一遍 已經是將近1個月的事了
由於成績在星期3放榜 這幾天的心情已經有的焦慮和不安了
HAIZ... 怎麼阿姨的命運醬坎坷 =(
神 你應該眷顧下我阿姨
好讓她們全家少受些傷害 多受點福
問心那句 她們又沒有做過殺人放火的事 自認都安安分分做人
爲什麽要讓我表姐 表哥 阿姨 受苦

請保佑我阿姨全家人都   健康安全

沒有太多要寫的東西 因為我已經無法再言語下去
我需要的是 休息...