

1,2,3 scream !

long time didn't blog.
busy for my 3 weeks exam.
really hate it.

-after finish exam-

- [P]lan to watch more than 2 movies in a day.
Crazy with classmates.. :p
- [W]anna save save save money to buy a new phone..
my phone die soon .
- [I] wanna to shoot again.. sot po remember find me..
Always ready !
- [L]ike busy like free.. actually don't know.
- [S]titch is waiting me to take him go home.

You you you.

why don't wan out?

Ma Fan Gui!

2 条评论:

KhriS 说...

u r so lengzai~

wendell 说...

welcome back to blogspot
wait jor ur new post 3 weeks @@