
Joyful bout 18/3 (update again*)

blog bout yesterday now :D
yesterday was a good good day.
long time didn't out with my loved seniors.
so, we went to KTV cheong K.
after we finish then we went to Starbucks to gossip and chat.
so funny lah my senior.
I remember the part of television news!
hahaa.. it's really so funny.
I can't stop laugh !
anyway. I really enjoy out with my senior :P
I only have this few pictures only.
another pictures at senior's camera.
waiting they free only can send me those picture.
so, I got this few pictures only.
come from Jane
(I know you know her! cause she is famous★★)

yaks!! I'm ugly everytime while I out with my seniors.(serious)

lol. 1st time take this.
This Polaroid is nice and cool.
But I more support Lomo neh><
Me(ugly face) and Jane :D
 yah! she is so beauty la!
without Eunice in this photo !!!
 I  My Senior

another pictures while 18/3
my face so round (hate it)
Eunice ^^
little rabbits
sleepy face (@$*)(@$*
Don't look at me like that.
I'll be shy XD
see charmayne's nose
